Orthodoxy right thinking
Orthopraxis right doing
Orthopathos right feeling
Certificate Programs
Leadership in Ministry Certificate
This program is designed for those seeking training for senior ministry leadership roles like pastors, church planters or missionaries. The program contains common core elements, including study in bible and theology. Students take ministry focused courses in their third year of study as they learn to interpret and apply the Scriptures.
Leadership in Ministry Certificate Plus+
The flagship program, Leadership in Ministry Certificate Plus+, endorsement is designed for those seeking training for senior ministry leadership roles. In addition to the third year ministry courses, students also participate in both self-directed and guided study in a ministry area of their choosing (pastoral, church planting or missions) through their selection of electives and independent study.
Ministry Endorsement Certificate
The ministry endorsement is a two-year program designed for those looking to increase their service in their local church or ministry. For those serving in volunteer roles, it strengthens biblical and theological foundations and adds intentional mentoring. The desired outcome of this program is that students will emerge as stronger disciples and servants of the Lord and that they might be fully equipped to serve in their current ministry context.
Course Sequence
Scripture and History
The student will be able to 1. Articulate a theological foundation including the historical account of God’s Mission, 2. Identify and explain the Missio Dei as it relates to the life of Christ, and 3. Engage in meaningful conversation regarding various aspects of the Missio Dei to include missio ecclesiae and missio praxis.
The student will 1. Comprehend the overarching significance of the story of God’s people and their connection with the mission of God in the Old and New Testaments (Israel and the Church), 2. Consider the design and purposes of humanity functioning as “prophets, priests, and kings”, and 3. Develop an understanding of ecclesiology and be able to express it in their local context.
The student will (1) understand the nature and identity of Scripture, (2) describe why it is authoritative, (3) and understand and defend its divine inspiration, inerrancy, and canonization.
Biblical Theology
The student will 1. Comprehend the Bible’s big story (narrative) the way God intended and explain how it all fits together, 2. Learn to interpret particular themes of the biblical story in light of God’s revelation in the overarching narrative of scripture, and 3. Create an interpretive perspective of the Bible’s story from creation to consummation that can be used to explain the Christian faith.
The student will 1. Be able to articulate, explain, and defend not only the role and proper use of systematic theology, but especially the core historic truths of the Christian faith as revealed in the Holy Bible, 2. Learn how to respond to each doctrinal datum by integrating it into a spiritual formation plan that draws them and the people they may teach nearer to God.
The student will 1. Understand the theology and practical outplay of John’s Gospel, 2. Grasp John’s high Christology, and 3. Be able to compare and contrast the Synoptic Gospels with John’s work.
The ministry “year” of our program is actually offered in two forms: Leadership in Ministry Certificate and Leadership in Ministry + Certificate (LIM+). All year three students will take the following three courses:
The student will (1) Grasp the need for and commit to the practice of sound biblical interpretation; (2) Understand the fundamental principles and rules needed to interpret and apply any given passage of scripture; (3) Gain the tools necessary to accomplish this task; (4) And put all of this into practice through guided interpretation of select Bible passages.
The student will (1) Demonstrate a reasoned biblical and theological understanding of culture; (2) Analyze differing expressions of culture and identify the subtle and overt ways they convey differing views of reality, truth, morality (ethics) and beauty (aesthetics); (3) Demonstrate an ability to recognize and interpret the symbolic nature of much of the visual arts. In other words, to exegete culture with the intent of bringing the Christian community into theological dialog found in much of recent media.
The student will (1) Understand the gospel message; (2) Understand how to contextualize that message for the hearer; (3) Understand what it means to defend the faith.
Following these courses the LIM+ students will participate in an independent study each year and take three additional courses in the track of their choosing: Pastoral Ministry, Church Planting or Missions.
Ministry Track Courses and Synopsis
The Three-Course Pastoral Ministry Track is a comprehensive program designed to equip individuals for effective pastoral leadership. The first course, “Leading Principles,” focuses on honing the skills needed to lead in a local church effectively. The second course, “Leading God’s People,” delves into the practical underpinnings of pastoral ministry, emphasizing the importance of understanding the biblical and practical foundations of a healthy church and healthy church leadership. Finally, the third course, “Proclaiming God’s Truth and Worth,” equips participants to deliver exegetical sermons in their local church context. This track offers a holistic approach to pastoral ministry, combining spiritual depth with practical leadership skills to empower individuals for impactful and sustainable pastoral service.
The Church Planting Track is a dynamic three-course program designed to empower individuals with the skills and knowledge to establish and lead vibrant new congregations. The first course, “Church Planting Foundations,” explores the foundational principles of developing a compelling vision and effective strategic plan for launching a new church. The second course, “Church Planting Master Plan,” equips participants with guidance on developing a master plan to present to prospective donors, supporters, and church plant team members. In the final course, “Church Planting in Action,” emphasis is placed on fostering sustainable growth, discipleship, and cultivating strong leadership teams to ensure the long-term success of the newly planted church. This track provides a comprehensive roadmap for aspiring church planters, blending visionary leadership, community engagement, and sustainable growth strategies to guide them in establishing thriving and impactful faith communities.
The Missions Track is a dynamic three-course curriculum designed to prepare individuals for effective engagement in global mission work. The first course, Leading Principles,” focuses on honing the skills needed to lead in any mission context effectively. The second course, “Biblical Theology of Missions,” equips students with the biblical reasoning for missions. The final course, “History of Missions,” focuses on the history of missions from the early church to the present day. This track provides a comprehensive foundation, blending cultural awareness, evangelism skills, and strategic planning, empowering individuals to make a lasting impact as they respond to the call of global missions.
Single Course Enrollment
In addition to our various program options, we offer opportunities for students to enroll in some of our courses individually for personal enrichment or to help meet local credentialing or continuing education requirements. To learn more about single course enrollment, please fill out the interest form here.